Breakthrough Fear and Start a Life Changing Online Business

Want to know to breakthrough fear and how to start an online business? The secret is to stop letting fear dictate your future actions, go for it, and learn to overcome and adapt. The road might not be paved smooth, but once you find the force and drive within you, you will become unstoppable.

Fear is Not your Friend When it Comes to Entrepreneurship

But anxiety is! Let me explain. When starting anything new (i.e. a new recipe, rollerblading, and for this blog-starting an online business!), you should expect there to be challenges. Challenges do not mean you should throw in the towel and accept that you were not made for this. It simply means–it is new, you need education and practice applying that knowledge. Fear is a great emotion, as it keeps us safe from harm. However, if you’re doing entrepreneurship right, it will be nothing but uncertainty, guarantees and perfection. Do not let fear stop you from getting started. Instead, acknowledge that it is scary and look for ways you can combat fear with knowledge. Then, use that knowledge to guide your decisions.

Let’s Apply this thought with my First Business Venture

As a young girl, I always loved to create. Whether that be painting, drawing, sculpting. This was my jam. My mother put me into cake-decorating courses through Wilton and my passion turned into tangible knowledge and skill that I could take home and practice the craft. I eventually got my name out there organically by making neighborhood birthday cakes, to outside of the neighborhood, and eventually throughout multiple counties surrounding my hometown. My passion (creating) gave me the fuel and motivation to wake up each day and learn more about cake-decorating; but the courses gave me the skills and terminology to then expand upon those topics and practice until I perfected. This then, allowed me to stand out among competitors. My passion gave me the interest to think creatively on color palettes, designs and styles; the classes taught me how to make sugar flowers, proper piping, and fondant crafting. Together, it was a match-made in heaven.

Why is Anxiety Good?

I had a therapist tell me once that I suffer from high-functioning anxiety. I always, and still to do this day think well don’t we all? And, is it really a disorder if it brought success to my life? Well, to be honest…I do experience a drive inside me to be the best version of myself. However, I am mindful to not let this affect me so much that I am sick over it. Anxiety that is controlled in this way, in my opinion is good. In entrepreneurship, you will need to have a drive inside you that does not want to accept no for an answer. Because, the truth is, you will get told “no” or hit many roadblocks that you will need to overcome. If you want to be successful, you will need to find ways around those hurdles, and keep your spirits high.

So, How Can I Start? Where Can I Learn?

I am not going to say that it is “easy” to start an online business, because it does take work on your part. However, I will say that I truly believe historically, it is the “easiest” that it has ever been. Gone are the days were you must go to Business School to become a successful Entreprenuer, and pay upwards of $80k for the degree. I did this, but due to my service in the U.S. Air Force, I was able to get tuition charges set at a much affordable price. I also took a course that has been hitting socials hard, called the Roadmap, and has everyone singing its praises. Created by an amazing power couple, Hannah and Zach Pippins who are entrepreneurs themselves, created this course that teaches you not only the concepts and basics of starting an online business. But, shows you step-by-step how to do this.

Why Must I Pay for a Course?

Education is never free. Micro-learning certainly is–you know those 7-10 second videos that tell you can earn crazy money only putting in 1-2 hours per week? Some influencers and creators will even show you the resources they use, the exact apps, and concepts. But to a complete beginner, this can be really confusing. You might be able to take those concepts and google them, youtube them, and find some more information; but I promise you that this will just lead to more confusion. That is why Hannah and Zach created this course. It cuts through all the noise, and gives you exactly what you need to know to create a sustainable business.

Want to Read More About this Course?

CLICK HERE to read about the course, what you should expect to learn, and how it can help you.

**DISCLAIMER: I mention a mental health disorder of anxiety and talk about my personal experience with it to help motivate and educate on the purpose of online business entrepreneurship. Please, if you are struggling with Mental Health concerns, know that I am not a clinical mental health provider and do recommend you see a licensed provider.

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